All rights to all the images on this website are reserved by Melissa Schäfer if not marked otherwise. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy or republish, in any form, any information, including, but not limited to text, photographs, artwork and film, found on "www.melissaschaefer.com". No material from this site or any Web site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by Melissa Schäfer may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without permission from Melissa Schäfer.
If you wish to license, reproduce, modify, or otherwise use a photograph or other materials you have viewed on this website, please contact us for permission.
Website Content
All of the content on this site, including the photographs and text, is owned by Melissa Schäfer / The Motherbear Productions.
Purchase of an image
The Purchase of an image does not give you the copyrights.