
Today The New York Times publishes photographs by Melissa in a cover story about Svalbard in their travel section.
The New York Times is the finest newspaper in the world. For more than 150 years, they have been providing the most thorough and uncompromising news coverage in the world. The New York Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders. In print and online they reach over 70 million people every month.
The article is also available online here:
January 05, 2020

In the December issue of Sweden's leading photography magazine Kamera & Bild we have the cover story with 14 pages of Arctic beauty.

Swedish media frenzy
This is not our book, it is the polar bear’s book. And all this attention has given us the chance to talk about the important issues. About what is happening in the Arctic right now, and the future for the polar bear.
And the book was the best-selling book in Sweden during the week!
Here are some more appearances from the last few days. Please note that all these are in Swedish.
TV interview on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon on October 22:
TV4 Nyhetsmorgon "Melissa Schäfer och Fredrik Granath om sin nya bok om isbjörnar i Arktis"
Radio interview on Sveriges Radio P4 Extra on October 22:
Check this link and fast forward to 1:16:
P4 Extra "Erik Blix intervjuar Fredrik Granath om Årets Pandabok"
TV interview on Aftonbladet TV morning show on October 24:
Aftonbladet TV "Fredrik Granath och Melissa Schäfer om sin nya bok"
Newspaper interview in Expressen on October 19:
Expressen "Så lever Melissa och Fredrik med isbjörnarna"
IN ENGLISH you can read and listen to these:
Podcast interview on October 11 by "The road to paradise" in English.
"The road to paradise" podcast with Melissa Schäfer and Fredrik Granath
English translation of interview in Expressen from October 19:
English translation of interview in WWF Magasin:
An amazing day has come to an end. Today we were awarded the "Panda book of the Year" award by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and the World Wildlife Fund at the Ulriksdal Castle outside Stockholm, Sweden. We did a lecture about our work and the book and met almost too many great people. And to top it all of we had lunch with the King, who turned out to be an amazing person. "The Environmental heroes" of the year were also awarded: Greta Thunberg (represented by Fridays for future), Pella Thiel and Magnus Carlsson.
The World Wildlife Fund:
Swedish Royal Court:
October 11, 2019

Interview with "meinTV- magazin"
tina ist eine der größten wöchentlichen Frauenzeitschriften Deutschlands.
Ett nytt internationellt fotomagasin har presenterats. Bakom magasinet står fotografen Melissa Schäfer. Vi kontaktade Schäfer och ställde några frågor kring bakgrunden till magasinet och varför det bara är kvinnliga fotografer som är med.